FM2011 - LLM - Making Money

As the manager of a lower league team you need every penny you can get, so I'm going to give you a helping hand with some tips below:
  • Purge your squad of dead wood, all your under 18 team will be useless, get rid of them as well as most of your reserves.
  • Ask your board for a Parent Club, not only do you get good players on free loans, you also get paid for the privilege and a money spinning friendly!
  • Pre-season friendlies - before the start of the season go to your reserve team screen and then their fixtures, here you can arrange friendlies. Arrange a friendly with the most reputable New Zealand teams, make sure it is an away game and you are guaranteed £20K in fees per game. Do this 5 or 6 times and you've got yourself enough money to get your team through the year.
  • Finally put as much effort as you can in progressing through the FA Cup, aim for the third round and pray you get a big away tie with a Premiership team. Cup games split the gate receipts so if you manage to get Manchester United you could be looking at up to £1 million for just one game!
I followed these tips with Hyde United this season and managed to draw Wolves away in the third round of the FA Cup. I've gone from an annual turnover of £200K to £500K and its only January, giving me enough to upgrade my training facilities and increase my wage budget!


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